Team Development using Run Rev

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Sat Mar 1 05:38:13 EST 2008


It might be interesting for you to know that DIFfersifier exports all  
properties of stacks to XML now. The result is an amost correct XML  
file, that can be parsed and interpreted by all specialized XML  
viewers. It should be possible to reconstruct your stack from it,  
except the ID numbers, for which you might want to use the altIDs.

There are a few little glitches, which will be fixed soon. One of them  
is that your stack must have a group (any, even empty, group will do).  
Another is that a small number of tags is incorrect. You might want to  
delete tags that cannot be  parsed for now.

Although DIFfersifier was made to convert HyperCard stacksm, it also  
works with Revolution and MetaCard stacks. You can find DIFfersifier  
at <> and that's also where you  
will find an update without those XML-related glitches and errors in a  
few weeks.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

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> Well, if you're able to *not* set 'hard' values of any ids in your  
> code,
> then the serialization ( dump ) of a stack is not a problem, no ?
> and then, you can use any CVS/SVN/BZR tool to manage your versions
> in a very subtle way.
> I've done that for an old project, but didn't serialize ( export ) all
> properties, only a few.... but it did work !
> Regards,
> Thierry

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