Video - WVM and more

Jack Rarick jrarick at
Tue Jun 3 08:01:27 EDT 2008

Hey all!

We have been VERY successful using Rev, Videograbber and a digital camera to produce some excellent media in wmv format. Very pleased. We turn Quicktime off (set dontuseqt to true) and all that. We have tested our newly digitized video in Windows Media Player and it looks sweet! All this is very good. And then, we view our new video in Rev 2.9. Player object. It looks bad. What am I missing? I've read the archives for a hint. I know there has been problems - but I can MAKE the video and acutally SEE the video. It just doesn't look good in Rev - but good outside of Rev.

Thanks in advance!

Jack Rarick
Braintree Athletic Systems

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