rawKeyDown not working in SAs?

Chris Condit ccondit at geo.umass.edu
Thu Jan 17 14:30:48 EST 2008

I've got a scrolling group (named "OverlayAndImageGroup ") that is 
composed of an image of a map, and numerous text fields and other 
smaller groups.  I have been trying  to add the capability to use the 
mouse's scrolling wheel to scroll the group "OverlayAndImageGroup" up 
and down.

When I add to the group "OverlayAndImageGroup" the script

--below 3 handlers added 2007-12-18
on rawKeyDown theKeyNumber
   --put theKeyNumber into msg
   if theKeyNumber is 65308 then increaseScroll -- mouse wheel down
   else if theKeyNumber is 65309 then decreaseScroll -- mouse wheel up
   else pass rawKeyDown -- don't forget this!
end rawKeyDown

on decreaseScroll
   set the vScroll of group "OverlayandImageGroup" to the vScroll of 
group "OverlayandImageGroup" - 51
   put the ScreenmouseLoc into thisLoc --below done to get calcLatLong 
run to update latitude
   set the ScreenmouseLoc to item 1 of thisLoc, item 2 of thisLoc + 1
end decreaseScroll

on increaseScroll
   set the vScroll of group "OverlayandImageGroup" to the vScroll of 
group "OverlayandImageGroup" + 51
   put the ScreenmouseLoc into thisLoc--below done to get calcLatLong 
run to update latitude
   set the ScreenmouseLoc to item 1 of thisLoc, item 2 of thisLoc - 1
end increaseScroll

it works perfectly as long as I am in the "development" environment. 
I also have built into this "Map" stack, the ability to measure 
distances areas, etc., from a mouseDown handler in the "Map" stack 
script, and to get latitude - longitude read outs from a mouseMove 
handler in the "Map" stack's card level script. It, too works 
perfectly as long as I am in the "development" environment (one has 
to open a "Tools" palette to start measuring, a process that sets 
globals that control the measuring processes).

BUT when I create a standalone (for both Mac and Windows), neither 
the mouse scrolling wheel works to scroll the group 
"OverlayandImageGroup" up or down, nor does the ability to measure 
distances, areas, etc. work.  The mouseMove does, however, continue 
to feed into my lat-longitude script and give me lat & long.

Has anyone else run into this kind of a problem?

One can download the offending rev stack (18.2 MB unzipped, 6.5 MB 
zipped) from the url

if you want to get to SAs that do work, visit the web page 

I'm using Intel Macs (a MacBookPro and desktop Pro) and OS 10.4 & 
10.5 and both Rev 2.8.1 and 2.9.0-dp-3 Build 520 and all behavior is 
the same on the platforms, and on the Windows SA's I've created.
Along the same lines, is there a rawKeyDown code for left-right 
scrolling?  I've used Sarah's KeyCoder.rev project (thanks, Sarah!) 
with no joy as well as the code:

   on rawKeyDown pKey
         put pKey into msg
      end rawKeyDown

in a v and h scrolling field and get no rawKeyCode when i try to 
scroll left-right

appreciate help.
Dr. Christopher D. Condit,  Associate Prof.,  Dept. of Geosciences    
Univ. Massachusetts,  611 North Pleasant St., Amherst, MA, 01003-9297
ccondit at geo.umass.edu  413-545-0272
My Web Page:  http://www.geo.umass.edu/faculty/condit.htm
Revolution Dynamic Digital Maps: http://ddm.geo.umass.edu

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