importing a bunch of files

Thierry 00bioarchimed at
Wed Jan 16 12:51:24 EST 2008

Le 16 janv. 08 à 17:39, Eric Chatonet a écrit :

> Bonjour Thierry,
> Why don't you store directly your text files into custom  
> properties, the name of which would be the path?

Why not....

Ok, it's a mix solution from the 2 I exposed :-)

> Of course you have to replace spaces and slashes with some string  
> that will not break the name of the custom prop into several parts :-)

Yes, I'm aware of that.
and it would be better to manage this  in the import function,  
running once,
when I build the final project.

> BTW note that custom props names are limited to 255 chars but I  
> assume it should be enough.

No, it could be more :-(
So, i have to split the path.
That's why I thought of nested groups.

> Using fields will be cross platform straight on. With custom props  
> you'll have to use macToIso or isoToMac to get the right text  
> according to the platform.

Good point !
Thanks for this one, it will probably saved me some debug time :-)

Merci :-)
Bonne soiree....

> Le 16 janv. 08 à 17:25, Thierry a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> Another thread about kind of Database :-)
>> For a specific project, I need to implement this:
>> I have an arbitrary set of text files stored on the disk in an
>> arbitrary numbers of directories, within a root one, ie:
>> dirRoot/
>> dirRoot/f1
>> dirRoor/f2
>> dirRoot/dir2/f3
>> dirRoot/dir2/dir3/f4
>> dirRoot/dir4/f5
>> .......
>> When it comes to deliver the project,
>> I want to import all theses files,
>> and the tree organization
>> inside a stack ( datas only stack ).
>> I'm thinking of mapping each directory
>> to a group; the first group would be named dirRoot,
>> dir2 and dir4 would become groups named dir2 and dir4,
>>  children of the first group,
>> dir3 a group inside dir2 group, etc...
>> and for the files, importing them in custom properties
>> of these groups with the same name as the original files.
>> Let say it could be a hundred files or even more....
>> One extreme could be one group with a hundred properties,
>> another one a hundred  nested groups with one property for each  
>> group.
>> Do you think this is realistic to do so,
>> and what kind of pitfalls i can find on the way ?
>> Another solution could be to create as many text fields as files,
>> with each field named with the full path of the corresponding  
>> file..... ?
>> Any hints or thoughts are welcome, before I jump into it

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