Andre's post: Rev and the Web...

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Fri Dec 26 06:18:10 EST 2008

--- Randall Reetz <randall at> wrote:
> Id like the simple answer.  In script i have to
> write ??  to send a message to a project on a
> server.  What script would need to be on the
> recieving end?  It is that simple.  No?

Hi Randall,

Brian already suggested looking into the socket
commands for lower-level communication. Excellent
resources for that are in RevOnline > User Spaces >
AlexTweedly > TCP app 1 and 2

You may also want to look at the open-source ChatRev -
a combination of client and server socket
communication to handle a chatroom.

However, Revolution offers a set of higher-level
commands for internet communications, collected in the
libURL library, shipping with Revolution. You'll want
to look at:
- get URL theURL
- post theData to URL theURL
These use the HTTP protocol that drives the world-wide

For the server side, you will want to look into using
the Revolution cgi-engine. Combined with Apache HTTPD
or Microsoft IIS, this allows you to place and execute
scripts on a web server.
Andre Garzia has a series of libraries which make
handling cgi-calls easier, as part of his RevOnRockets

Once you're more familiar with the mechanisms to
communicate between clients and server, we can start
helping you with the problems that will arise when
multiple clients connect.

Jan Schenkel.

Quartam Reports & PDF Library for Revolution

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)


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