External Creation. Obtains the Window Handler on Windows.

GIRARD Damien dam-pro.girard at laposte.net
Wed Dec 3 13:49:41 EST 2008

Hi all,

I am playing with externals, and I want to try to add GUI features to Rev.
I know how to write externals to interface libraries with Rev, but 
working on the GUI of Rev, I do not know anything at all for now.

What I want to do is to retrieve the Window handler (on Windows) in 
order to add Windows Vista Aero effects.
I read few articles that talks about how to use DWM of Vista, and the 
only things that it requires is a Window handler (HWND) in
order to apply the glass effect.

So, does anyone knows how to retrieve the HWND of a Revolution Window on 
Windows ?



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