a regular expression question, or at least a text manipulation question

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 27 23:47:19 EDT 2008

--- Peter Alcibiades <palcibiades-first at yahoo.co.uk>
> How do you do the following?
> I have a series of lines which go like this
> |  [record separator, new record starts]
> AAA consectetur adipisicing elit, sed
> BBB lorem ipsum
> CCC consectetur adipisicing elit, sed
> CCC laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
> DDD ut aliquip ex ea commodo
> | [record separator]
> AAA adipisicing elit, sed   [new record starts]
> | is the record separator.
> [snip]
> So the desired output would be
> AAA consectetur adipisicing elit, sed
> BBB lorem ipsum
> CCC consectetur adipisicing elit, sed CCC laboris
> nisi ut aliquip ex ea
> DDD ut aliquip ex ea commodo
> AAA adipisicing elit, sed
> How do I detect a repetition of that sort and do
> this? 
> Peter

Hi Peter,

One of Rev's best features is the 'repeat for each'
loop. In this case, you can avoid the cost of RegEx
with a script like the following:
on mouseUp
  put 0 into tLineNumber
  repeat for each line tLine in fld 1
    add 1 to tLineNumber
    if char 1 of tLine is "|" then
      if tLineNumber > 1 then
        put return & "EOR" after fld 2
      end if
      if word 1 of tLine is not word 1 of tPrevLine
        put return after fld 2
      end if
      put tLine into tActualLine
      replace tab with space in tActualLine
      put tActualLine after fld 2
    end if
    put tLine into tPrevLine
  end repeat
end mouseUp

I hope this gets you closer to a solution,

Jan Schenkel.

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"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)


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