Picture DATA and how to show it

Thomas McGrath III 3mcgrath at comcast.net
Tue Apr 29 00:13:55 EDT 2008

I really need some help on this one!!!

So far I can get the artwork and read the result in AS, then again in  
applescript I can write the hex to a file where it is now binary and  
read that file in RR. It works but this is a sloppy solution as it is  
Mac only for one and Applescript is doing all the work where I would  
like RR to handle the encoding etc. Then I can make this a cross  
platform solution.

Here is my applescript:
	tell application "iTunes"
		set my_Artwork to the (data of artwork 1 of track "One" of playlist  
"U2") as picture
	end tell

	-- This sets the path to the pictures folder of iTunes
	set file_path to (path to "pdoc" as string)
	set file_name to (the file_path & "MyArtwork" & ".pict") as string
	do shell script "cd " & (POSIX path of file_path) & " ;ls | grep \""  
& "MyArtwork" & ".pict\" ; " & "echo '.'"
	set shell_result to the result as string
	open for access file_name write permission 1
	copy the result to file_reference

         -- Here is where I can write to the file as a picture, this  
turns the data into binary
	write myTrack starting at 0 to file_reference as picture
	close access file_reference

         -- here I return the file_name for Revolution to then set the  
filename of image "Artwork" to the returned result
	return file_name
end try

The problem with this is that I have to write to the users pictures  
folder for one and that each time I access the script I am writing  
over the previous file. I would like to just encode this and not write  
to a file at all if possible.

What i would really like to do is either have RR open a file and write  
to it the my_Artwork as a picture (thereby setting it to binary) or  
better yet just have RR write to a custom Prop and encode that as  
binary and set an image to that when done.

The new applescript would then look like this:
      tell application "iTunes"
           set my_artwork to the (data of artwork 1 of track "One" of  
playlist "U2) as picture
           return my_artwork
     end tell
end try

I have done this and tried to encode the result in RR with no success.  
I have tried every version of binaryEncode with no results and a lot  
of force quits.

Does anyone here have some ideas on where to go from here?????


Tom McGrath

On Apr 28, 2008, at 6:09 PM, Thomas McGrath III wrote:

> Mark et. al.
> Also if I use Applescript to write the Data to a pict file I  
> actually get this:
> which looks like binary data and states it IS a png file after all.
> But I can't import this file to RR and have a picture come out. How  
> do you  recommend converting this from binary to an image?
> Ideas???
> Thanks
> Tom McGrath

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