[OT] one more Revolution exposure...

viktoras didziulis viktoras at ekoinf.net
Tue Apr 8 03:54:13 EDT 2008

just returned back from an international conference on marine data and 
information systems that took place in Athens 
(http://hnodc.hcmr.gr/imdis-2008/ or google for "imdis 2008"). 254 
participants, 41 country represented. Lots of talks about metadata 
standards, formats and profiles (ISO 19115, ISO 19139, netcdf, etc...), 
data semantics and ontologies, as well as various combinations of GIS 
and relational databases. Current trends in information systems were 
discussed and many examples of working systems and technologies in use 
were presented during both talks and poster sessions. It was interesting 
to observe a noticeable increase of Apple macosx and linux pc laptops 
brought by participants :-). Fortran is still in wide use, Adobes' Flex 
is on the rise. Lots of posters about use of google maps, mashups, a 
noticeable boost of different open source and related technologies 
(postgresql, mysql) in use. Increasing interest in near-real-time 
monitoring systems.

Revolution (logo, brief description and url in the tools section) was 
exposed in 2 posters. However no participant, or at least those that I 
had an opportunity to talk to, have heard anything about it before and I 
had to explain what it is.

The next conference - IMDIS 2010 will take place in Paris.


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