"Seamless Tiles 2" - script correction

Wilhelm Sanke sanke at hrz.uni-kassel.de
Mon Sep 10 13:50:06 EDT 2007

Sub-button "import image real size" of the menu of btn "import image" 
contains a reference to a deleted button "reset imported image unc" and 
therefore triggers an error dialog.

Please, delete the last word "unc" (and the space before "unc") of the 
wrong button name in the relevant 4 lines of the script or download the 
corrected version 2 from

Sorry for the inconvenience. I dislike such hastily produced bugs, 
although I seem to be in good company considering the number of new bugs 
introduced especially with pre- or beta-releases of some programs.

"unc" stands for "uncompressed". I had tried to find out the speed 
difference of retrieving an image from a custom property using 
"compressed" vs. "uncompressed" imagedata. The result is that resetting 
an image from uncompressed data is faster for image sizes < 1024, 
whereas from >1024 on compressed data are faster.


Wilhelm Sanke

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