Hilite Lines on Hover in List Field

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at economy-x-talk.com
Sat Sep 1 17:07:16 EDT 2007

Hi Sivakatirswami,

Here are two solutions. Put the first one into the script of a list  
field. Put the second script into the script of a non-list field.

on mouseMove
   put word 2 of the mouseLine into myLineNr
   if myLineNr is not empty and the hilitedline of me is not myLineNr  
     set the hilitedLine of me to myLineNr
   end if
end mouseMove

on mouseMove
   put word 2 of the mouseLine into myLineNr
   if myLineNr is not empty and the backColor of line myLineNr of me \
       is not yellow then
     set the backColor of line 1 to -1 of me to white
     set the backColor of line myLineNr of me to yellow
   end if
end mouseMove

Is this what you need?

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Quickly extract data from your HyperCard stacks with DIFfersifier.  

Op 1-sep-2007, om 22:17 heeft Sivakatirswami het volgende geschreven:

> This would be a common UI behavior:
> user passes his mouseover a list field and the lines "light up"
> as he goes up and down.
> This is a common "I am hot link" indicator.
>  but I'm not even getting to first base.
> 1) create list field
>   default entries
>    	Choice 1
>  	Choice 2
> 	Choice 3
> 2) in script of fld:
> on mousewithin
> # from the docs for "mouseline"
>   set the backgroundcolor of the mouseline to "yellow"
> end mousewithin
> result:

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