OT: looking for recommendatinos for games

Björnke von Gierke bvg at mac.com
Sun Oct 28 21:02:13 EDT 2007

Maybe she'd like malte's games? They might be a bit too brainy, 
depending on her mindset, but there's a free trial versions on 
derbrill.de ;-)

Other then that, there must be quite some sites geared towards young 
humanoids, respectively their parents, and gaming (I'd search for stuff 
like "information for parents" not "video games for kids"). Maybe 
dmoz.org has some links in that direction you'd appreciate? I'd look 
out for governmental or semi governmental funded ones, for example like 
this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/laac/index.shtml

Not a young humanoid or a parent of one

PS: On a almost unrelated note, I really like homestarrunner.com but is 
it really suited for children? No idea :)

On 28 Oct 2007, at 22:25, Alex Tweedly wrote:

> Slightly off topic ....
> I'm looking for recommendations for games (or educational software) 
> for a (young) 7-year old girl.
> She is just about to get her first laptop (Windows Vista), is really 
> into Barbie and anything pink :-) and I need to find some easy-to-use 
> software to make this all a good experience for her, so any 
> suggestions would be welcomed.
> I'd be especially happy if they were Rev-based games  (so not 
> completely off-topic)


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