SOAP - Problem with separate threads

Dave dave at
Tue Oct 23 07:29:14 EDT 2007

Hi All,

I have implemented some SOAP calls and it all works fine, except that  
I have need to send Poll to the server every so often. When the timer  
goes off, it makes a call to the SOAP Library, this too works fine  
unless you do something in the user window that causes another SOAP  
library call to be made while the timer thread is sending a poll.  
What is the best way to handle this?

I was thinking I'd add this to the start of the function copied below:

local sgInUseFlag   -- A Stack Global

repeat while sgInUseFlag = true
wait 10 milliseconds
end repeat
put true into  sgInUseFlag

Then at the end:

put false into  sgInUseFlag

Will this work? Is there a better way to handle this?

All suggestions and advice greatly appreciated.

All the Best

-- LibSoapSendRPCRequest
function LibSoapSendRPCRequest  
theSoapID,theSoapAction,theMethod,theHeader,theParams, at theSoapReply
   local mySOAPEnvelope
   local mySoapURL
   local mySoapNameSpace
   local myNameSpaceMethod
   local mySoapResponse
   local myHTTPHeader

   --  Get the Session Parameters
   get LibSoapGetSessionParameters 

   --  Substitute the fields in the Prototype Soap Envelope
   put theMethod && "xmlns=" & quote & mySoapNameSpace & quote into  

   replace "<$METHOD>" with "<" & myNameSpaceMethod & ">" & cr  in  
   replace "</$METHOD>" with "</" & theMethod & ">" in mySOAPEnvelope
   replace "<$PARAMS/>" with theParams in mySOAPEnvelope
   replace "<$HEADER>" with theHeader  in mySOAPEnvelope

   --  Post the Request
   put _LibSoapGetHTTPHeaders(mySOAPEnvelope,mySoapNameSpace & "/" &  
theSoapAction) into myHTTPHeader
   set the HTTPHeaders to myHTTPHeader
   --libUrlSetSSLVerification false

     post mySOAPEnvelope to url mySoapURL

     -- Catch Time-Out Errors
   catch myError
     answer myError
     return mySoapResponse
   end try

   --  Retreive Results
   put it into theSoapReply
   put the result into mySoapResponse

   return mySoapResponse
end LibSoapSendRPCRequest

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