Geometry in latest version of RunRev

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Sun Oct 21 22:44:32 EDT 2007

Dave wrote:

> Does anyone know if the Geometry has been fixed in the latest version?
> I really don't want to invest all the time editing the objects if it  
> still goes beswick!

The GM is good for what it does, but it can't anticipate all possible 
combinations of object-ordering needs, and will fail in some cases.

Writing one's one geometry management is so simple that I never 
understood why RunRev saddled themselves with writing 40k of GM script 
just for a subset of needs.

Just use the resizeStack message, and you can trim most object resizing 
to one-line calls using a custom function:

on resizeStack x,y
   SetObjRect fld "Main","", "", x-20, y-100
   put the bottom of fld "Main" into tBot
   SetObjRect btn "OK", x-100, tBot+12, x-20,tBot+35
   put the left of btn "OK" into tLeft
   SetObjRect btn "Cancel", tLeft-100, tBot+12, tLeft-20,tBot+35
end resizeStack

on SetObjRect pObj
   local tObj, r, i
   put the long id of pObj into tObj
   put the rect of tObj into r
   repeat with i = 2 to 5
     get param(i)
     if it is not empty then put it into item (i-1) of r
   end repeat
   set the rect of tObj to r
end SetObjRect

Handling the native resizeStack directly can take a few minutes' 
scripting, but leaves you totally in control and allows you to use 
previously-adjusted objects to determine the positions of others, and 
you know exactly the order they're processed in.

  Richard Gaskin
  Managing Editor, revJournal
  Rev tips, tutorials and more:

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