Standard behavior or not?

Shari shari at
Mon Nov 26 10:18:20 EST 2007

>So i could go bananas trying to figure out why! The script i was calling
>was there, the script worked before too!


Yes, sometimes it can be a bugger of frustration.  I also moved from 
Hypercard to Metacard to Revolution.  Sometimes I encounter anomalies 
that drive me utterly bananas, too.  Sometimes I encounter bugs and 
have to create a workaround.

But... that said.... I am grateful that somebody took Hypercard and 
reworked it and moved it into the new millenium.  I honestly thought 
I was going to have to learn C, which I was dreading.  This is my 
beloved language, and it keeps growing and flowering and expanding as 
new operating systems appear.  That I can code once and compile for 
various platforms with the same base stacks is a godsend.  Just a few 
variations in the code to account for each platform, a small few 
variations, and it's good to go.

It is worth the frustration, Xavier.

WlND0WS and MAClNT0SH shareware games
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