Stripping html tags

FlexibleLearning at FlexibleLearning at
Sat Nov 3 04:48:29 EDT 2007

This is a seriously detailed stripper, Jim!
Small error in syntax:

replace "<td" with  numtochar(160)&"<td" in pHtml
should be...
replace "<td"  with numtochar(160)&"td>" in pHtml
Also, a couple of lines were posted html2Txt-mangled. Could you  clarify:
replace " " with space in pHtml
replace "
" with return in pHtml
replace "

" with return in pHtml

If you post the handler as plain text, any html formatted  text should be 
correctly handled by the emailer.

function  StripTags pHtml
local tRegex,tPrevText
get   ("é,à,ç")
get  it &  (",>,<,ê")
get  it &  (",è,©,•")
get  it &  (",',·,&")
-- add more chars if you wish,  then...
constant kHtml = it
constant kConvertedHtml =  "é,à,ç,>,<,ê,è,©"
--using contants means you cannot  accidentally
--    modify these vars and damage the  results
replace numtochar(13) with empty in  pHtml
replace tab with empty in pHtml
replace "<td" with  numtochar(160)&"<td" in pHtml
put  replacetext(pHtml,"(?Usi)<SCRIPT.*</SCRIPT>","") into pHtml
put replacetext(pHtml,"(?Usi)<STYLE>.*</STYLE>","") into  pHtml
put replacetext(pHtml,"(?Usi)<\?.*\?>","") into  pHtml
replace " " with space in  pHtml
replace "
" with return in pHtml
replace "

" with return in pHtml
put   "<[^><]*>" into tRegex
put replacetext(pHtml,tRegex,"")  into pHtml
put replacetext(pHtml,tRegex,"") into pHtml
  ----- repeat replacements until there are no changes
repeat until tPrevText is pHtml
put pHtml into  tPrevText
put replacetext(pHtml," +",space) into  pHtml
put replacetext(pHtml,"^ ","") into pHtml
end repeat
replace (space & return) with return in  pHtml
replace (return & space) with return in pHtml
filter pHtml without empty
replace numtochar(160) with empty in  pHtml
replace """ with quote in  pHtml
repeat with i = 1 to the number of items of  kHtml
replace item i of kHtml with item i of  kConvertedHtml in pHtml
end repeat
--put  pHtml into msg  --let's you see the result in the msg box
return  pHtml
end StripTags

Jim Ault
Las Vegas



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