Hammering on RunRev's door . . .

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at yahoo.com
Wed May 30 09:59:06 EDT 2007

The 2 reasons why this is a problem are:

1. because the way engines are packaged in 2.8.1.

I replaced revStandaloneSettings.rev (2.8.1) with its
older brother from 2.6.1 and it merrily came up with
the choice of 3 types of Mac Classic builds (What do
we now call 68K Mac; "Veteran" ?) - and then had a
problem downloading the engine.

2. That people can't be bothered to crack open a
pre-2.7 version of RR and use that.

Now what I suggested was NOT an earlier version of RR
that ran ONLY on Classic and built ONLY for Classic:
but versions of 2.6.1 for ALL platforms that built
ONLY for Classic.

Although, as I have pointed out several times on this
list; the "Free" (10-line restricted) version 2.0.1
does a fine job building for Classic - and were RR to
rerelease that (Um, possibly Free) with the Classic
engine that was current when it was initially released
only picky types would be dissatisfied.

However, rereleasing 2.0.1 as a Free, restricted
version may conflict with RR's marketing strategy.

Some of us "out here" would argue that rereleasing
2.0.1 would act as a taster that would incentivise
people to stump up the money for the more "Whizz-Bang"
later versions [although, a niggling voice in my head
keeps asking just how much more W-B the newer versions
really are].

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson 


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