[ANN] id3libv1.0.0

Mark Smith mark at maseurope.net
Tue May 29 08:42:52 EDT 2007

My guess is exactly that they're trying it on. The list of patents  
they have on their page doesn't seem to cover anything to do with  
meta-data - it's all to do with audio compression and so-on. ID3 is  
actually nothing at all to do with MP3, was developed independently  
of MP3, and anyway, if they come after me I'll just throw a spare 1.5  
billion dollars at them. :)

On 29 May 2007, at 12:10, Ian Wood wrote:

> Did they give you the patent number at any time? Otherwise it  
> sounds suspiciously like someone trying it on. :-(
> A quick look through via Google patent search doesn't appear to  
> show anything covering MP3 ID3 tags themselves, just some of the  
> potential *uses* of them.

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