Protect a folder of pictures

Mark Talluto userev at
Fri May 18 15:41:50 EDT 2007

On May 18, 2007, at 12:15 PM, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:

> Hi Ludovic,
> I think you're wasting your time trying to protect pictures. If you  
> use them, someone will find a way to copy them. Maybe you could  
> come up with a scheme to scramble the pixels and then unscramble  
> them in your program when you use them, but that is going to take a  
> lot of effort and will really slow down the performance of the  
> program at some point. I'd say you should just write a pretty  
> threatening copyright notice and then make sure you follow up on  
> it. That will scare most away. The others would take a baseball bat  
> along side the head.
> Just MHO,
> Joe Wilkins
> On May 18, 2007, at 11:56 AM, Ludovic Thébault wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'll have to made a CDRom (Mac/Win) with a lot of pictures.
>> All pictures are in a folder beside the app.
>> How protect this folder ?

I think it can be done.  I would look at Revs encryption features if  
you want to store them externally.  You could store them in custom  
properties in a substack as an alternative.  This method must take  
into account available RAM and the effect of storing/calling upon  
data in this manner.

The short of it is:  If is is truly necessary to protect the images  
you can provide a reasonable amount of protection.

Mark Talluto
CANELA Software

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