A daft idea about using a printerserver to import video . . .

Martin Baxter mb.userev at harbourhosting.co.uk
Sat May 5 13:14:12 EDT 2007

Stephen Barncard wrote:

> Look, I'm a pack rat. I have every computer and peripheral I ever owned 
> since 1978. I'd love to find them all good homes. It just isn't going to 
> happen. I'd rather worry about homeless cats and dogs.

Don't you have a freecycle group (www.freecycle.org) where you live 
Stephen? Here in Cambridge UK people on the freecycle mailinglist give 
away old Mac and PC stuff, such as you've described, constantly, and 
here at least, there's almost always a taker for pretty much anything, 
you might be surprised.


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