A daft idea about using a printerserver to import video . . .

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at yahoo.com
Thu May 3 02:26:26 EDT 2007

I'm trying to avoid using VideoGrabber as it seems to
be horribly RAM-hungry. 

My digital video source grinds along horribly in RR
(using the "unsupported" Video Capture stack), and
considering both that:

my G4 dual processor with 1GB RAM is NOT the bottom of
the range of potential end-user PCs,


most PCs don't have Firewire capture capabilities

that seems a fairly useless way to go.

So I reasoned that if a video source (rather than just
a static video file) were available at an IP address
it could be streamed directly into a videoClipPlayer.

The "Video Capture" stack is for capturing video and
saving it.

I am not looking for anything nearly as sophisticated
- just a "quick-n-dirty" streaming solution.

Of course the idea of using a printserver is probably
daft as, normally, the information normally flows the
other way, i.e. from the network to the printer.
However, I don't see how my ethernet port is going to,
in itself, differentiate between print signals and
video signals: surely they are both just electronic
pulses? When the electronic pulses come into the PC it
is up to some piece of software as to how they are
subsequently interpreted.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson


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