
Viktoras Didziulis viktoras at ekoinf.net
Thu Mar 29 04:45:36 EDT 2007

It is just a matter of personal preference, an alternative way of editing in
an environment the user is used to for his other scripting tools (like Perl,
PHP, HTML/Javascript, SQL, XML, Fortran, whatever else). On MS Windows my
personal preference is Crimson editor. I am too addicted to its tools,
editing options, syntax hiliting, lower/upper case switching, text encoding,
capitalizing or case invertions, find an replace using regular expressions,
some other options like tabbed browsing in a single window instead of having
multiple windows scattered all around the screen (one needs extended desktop
to fit them all), etc... Its just because I had been using it for 5 years
before I purchased Revolution and feel at home in that environment, and it
comes at no cost at all... 
In Revolution script editor I can't print tabs, find and replace phrases (e
g. change names of globals) in ALL scripts of any stack with a single click
(or is this option hidden somewhere?), find and replace using regular
expressions, line numbering is absent (yes I know I can browse by handler,
but it is just an option), standard shortcut keys and context menus not
always behave as expected - e.g. on right click on a selected text Rev Ide
opens documentation window instead of contextual menu. When pasting portions
of script from formatted text outside RevIDE (web page, etc...), it does not
adopt fonts to script's font settings and you have to adjust font sizes
manually again and again, etc... I can imagine somebody else having
completely different preferences, in fact many different preferences and
tastes, so that's why I think one may need the scripts outside the
Revolution IDE. 
All the best! 
-------Original Message------- 
From: Richard Gaskin 
Date: 03/29/07 09:31:31 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: Re: exportscripts.rev 
Viktoras Didziulis wrote: 
> What about exporting to an xml along with properties of stacks, 
> cards and objects? And then its just one step towards importing 
> back into Revolution ide ;-) 
What does one do with scripts outside of the IDE that can't be done 
directly in the IDE? 
Richard Gaskin 
Fourth World Media Corporation 
Ambassador at FourthWorld.com http://www.FourthWorld.com 
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