Do you Ubuntu?

Roger.E.Eller at Roger.E.Eller at
Tue Mar 20 13:05:59 EDT 2007

> I used to be pretty huge on Debian-based Linspire as the best Linux 
> for complete technophobes/newbies. Then I learned that Linspire just 
> partnered with Ubuntu to share technologies. The Linspire operating 
> will transition to using Ubuntu as their baseline. Linspire will do 
> Click-And-Run thing for Ubuntu.
> Ubuntu is clearly the flavor-of-the-month. 

I have tried Ubuntu, but prefer Fedora Core 6. I use Revolution on FC6 all 
the time. I have tried Linspire waaay back, and was put off by the 
subscription fee for accessing the CNR service. Now that CNR will be free 
for ALL MAJOR DISTROS (not just Linspire and Ubuntu), I will most likely 
use it on my Fedora box.

I choose Fedora over Ubuntu because you get more useful software 
immediately. I also prefer RPMs for installing software. What I dislike is 
that Fedora (Red Hat) has stripped out everything media related so they 
cannot be held responsible for any misuse of DRM protected media files.
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"Utilizing 5 years of CNR development in one-click software delivery, will provide a standardized process for finding, evaluating, 
installing, and updating desktop software for the most popular Linux 
distributions, both Debian and RPM based."

Roger Eller <roger.e.eller at>

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