Moving a File

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Mar 7 13:14:31 EST 2007

Dave wrote:

> For things like this that do not affect the operation of the program why 
> can't we just email someone have have them just do it?

You can. RR allows you to send email to support if you don't want to 
deal with Bugzilla (though the Quality Control center is very much 
easier than the old one.) Send your report to <support(at)> 
and someone on the support team will manually enter it for you.

Note that this doesn't change anything -- bug reports are simply not 
read or acted on unless they are formally entered into the bug database. 
But the support team will help you do that if you like.

One advantage to entering the report yourself is that you will get 
emails as your bug progresses through the system so that you are kept 
informed. If an RR employee enters the bug for for you, they will get 
the emails instead. Another reason to enter it yourself is that the 
report will be filed immediately. If the support team does it for you, 
it may wait in a queue until someone has time to enter it. Eventually it 
will get entered though.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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