character to justify text

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at
Tue Jun 26 22:07:22 EDT 2007

It would be totally nuts, but have you thought about using HTMLTEXT 
and a single pixel transparent graphic?

<img src="imageSpecifier">
Replaces a character whose imageSource property is not empty. The 
value of the imageSource property is included as the value of the 
"src" attribute.

>It would actually be very simple if I could expand the
>line by 1 pixel at a time.  I can already do everything
>else needed to justify it.  And if I had the 1 pixel char
>I could give options to increase the white space or
>to increase space between the visible chars or both.


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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