Again - Player/Image Object "always buffer" Problems

Dave dave at
Fri Jun 22 08:39:47 EDT 2007

On 22 Jun 2007, at 13:07, Phil Jimmieson wrote:
>  If its important to you that it get fixed, or you get a  
> workaround, then you may need to invest in some proper support.

The thing is, if I invested in "some proper support" (as apposed to  
im-proper support!) I'd have paid god knows how much by now!

Af far as I can tell I'm doing everything that should be done and the  
IDE crashes out. Why should I have to pay extra to have a product  
that works reliably. If it gave an error message or some other  
indication of the problem that would at least be a little help, but  
to just crash on one statement really is the pits.

All the Best

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