Problem with Library Stack

Dave dave at
Mon Jun 18 15:10:17 EDT 2007

On 18 Jun 2007, at 19:57, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> Dave wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Playing around, changed it so the "go" command is issues before  
>> the call to the function to see if that would make a difference.  
>> When I run:
>>   breakpoint
>>   go stack "/Documents/Programming/RunRevBase//RunTime/Stacks/ 
>> LibPDF.rev"
>>   breakpoint
>>   get ControlGenerateResults 
>> (myAnalysisHandle,myFilePathName,myNumberOfFrames)
>> It hits the first breakpoint, then Crashes the - Lib Stack never  
>> comes to the front. The start using has been performed during  
>> initialization (in preOpenStack).
> Try locking messages before going to the stack, see if that helps.

I'll give it a go, but here's something that's strange! I had one  
Player Object in the stack (which I added) if I delete the player the  
stack opens ok. If not then I get a crash. There is no script  
attached to the player object.


Why should having a player in a stack cause a Crash?

All the Best

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