abort scripts

runrev260805 at m-r-d.de runrev260805 at m-r-d.de
Wed Jun 13 11:02:53 EDT 2007


i have some questions again.

How can i stop the execution of a script. e.g. I want to stop executing a script, which is already started by mouseup event.

Another thing is: I have a very large mouseup script, I want to destroy the stack, when a special condition takes place. But the script continues. I have set "the destroystack property to true".
Found out, that this behaviour is normal, because the "close" statement is in the same event handler. But how can i solve this. Do i have to send a message to another obejct, which contains the "close" statement?

I need to delete files in a folder. The names of the files vary. I thought i could use wildcards to delete, but that doesn´t work. Do i have to read the content of the folder, put this in a container/var and then delete within a repeat loop? Or how can i do this?



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