Mac UB standalones and OS versions

Joe Lewis Wilkins pepetoo at
Mon Jun 4 15:01:30 EDT 2007

Just not a perfect world, Chipp. Should we consider going back to the  
days of the Monroe Doctrine? Probably not, but it is sure tempting.  
Even one on one relationships are dangerously unpredictable these  
days; much less country to country. Sigh!

Joe Wilkins

On Jun 4, 2007, at 11:47 AM, Chipp Walters wrote:

> On 6/4/07, Joe Lewis Wilkins <pepetoo at> wrote:
>> never believing in my worst
>> of dreams that there would be significant differences between the
>> various OSX releases. Was I ever dumb!
> Yep.  One of the biggest hassles we had with altBrowser on Mac was  
> how to
> keep it working on older OSX versions, as WebKit, which altBrowser  
> for Mac
> was built upon, kept changing from version to version, even dot  
> release to
> dot release. I'm pretty sure we had a different version of  
> altBrowser for
> OSX 10.2.8 than for OSX 10.3 because there was no way around it.
> Of course Microsoft couldn't get away with the number of changes and
> incompatibilities as their developer user base would not put up  
> with it.
> Apple has a much smaller group who are used to wholesale changes in  
> source
> code and compatibilties over the years. While we compatibility rev'd
> altBrowser on Mac over and over again, we rarely (if ever) did the  
> same on
> PC's. Not to say that aren't slew of other probls with Windows  
> (yep, just
> try installing a simple screen capture app with 20Mb of .Net 2.0  
> runtimes!).

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