The Ancient Art of the Animated GIF

Klaus Major klaus at
Sat Jul 28 15:38:54 EDT 2007

Hi Mike,

> I know Animated GIF's probably seem a little arcane to many on this  
> list however for me they work brilliantly in one of my projects.  
> Almost brilliantly, that is.
> Quite simply, I'd like to create animated GIF's that use  
> transparency. There are a few freebie apps on the Mac that do poor  
> jobs creating them. Then there are tools like Fireworks and Adobe  
> ImageReady. These apps allow me to create exactly the Animated  
> GIF's I need and that render perfectly in a web browser.
> But when I import them to Revolution, they run at hyperspeed and  
> show strange areas of transparency. Can anyone point me in the  
> direction of either a solution for the Fireworks/Adobe ImageReady  
> problem or towards a competent GIF creator liked by Revolution (Mac  
> or Windows)?

try this:
set the constantmask of img "you animated gif here" to true

That may help, but maybe not... :-)

> Thanks!
> Mike


Klaus Major
klaus at

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