[fun] Valid rev syntax. The silly scripts thread.

Bridger Maxwell bridgeyman at gmail.com
Fri Jan 26 20:03:05 EST 2007

This silly script actually has a story to go along with it.  It was a very
frustrating day for programming.  Bugs were absolutely everywhere.  There
was one handler that was particularly troublesome that I kept modifying, but
it would inevitably crash the program and cause me to lose all my work since
the last save.  I was growing more frustrated, and decided to put a script
in the handler to make sure that the stack saved each time it ran.  Because
the script was in the stack the handler looked like this:

save me

Wow, talk about a high-level language.  This particular line of Transcript
sounded exactly like my thoughts at the time.

  Bridger Maxwell
  Christa McAuliffe Space Education Center

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