J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Mon Jan 15 14:57:49 EST 2007

Brent Anderson wrote:
> Hello.

Thanks very much for the response.

> It's very easy to set up SSH on your Mac (System Preferences > Sharing > 
> Check "Remote Login" box) but you may have a few pitfalls in the way if 
> you're trying to connect from anywhere other than your local network. 
> You didn't specify too much detail, but I would assume you're trying to 
> connect to your mac from outside your home network (From work, perhaps) 
> and your problem is probably any firewall you have between your desktop 
> Mac and your "remote location." The firewall at the remote location (if 
> any) shouldn't be a problem as most firewalls only lock out outgoing 
> connections rather than incoming ones. Since this is the case, you'll 
> need to open port 22 on your firewall (Probably using port forwarding, 
> but port triggering may work as well).

Right. I can connect from within the local network just fine. When I try 
to connect from outside, I get no response from my home Mac and 
eventually a timeout. My local router is set up to forward port 22 to my 
desktop Mac. The router logs seem to indicate that my outside request is 
arriving and the router is forwarding.

I didn't want to gum up the list with unrelated chatter, so I hope it's 
okay if I contact you privately. You're the only response I've received, 
so my last hope. ;)

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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