Cron job w/ Rev CGI

Dave Cragg dave.cragg at
Sat Jan 13 20:15:58 EST 2007

On 14 Jan 2007, at 00:32, Bill Marriott wrote:

> Well, I have a little Rev CGI script that works exactly the way I  
> want it to
> when I summon it from the address bar using a web browser... I just  
> want it
> to do its thing every 15 minutes now. I don't even know the syntax/ 
> procedure
> for that.

There's a good tutorial here.

But basically, you need to enter a line in your crontab something  
like the following:

*/15   *   *   *   *   /path/to/cgi/script.rev > /dev/null

This will run the script every 15 minutes.

Like Pierre, I like to use Cronnix on OS X. I'm generally nervous  
around Linux, but I've used the following procedure before.

1.  Export the existing crontab to a file. The command would be

    crontab -l > /path/to/file.txt

2.  Edit the file by adding your new entry (similar to the above  
example) at the end.

3.  Re-install the settings:

    crontab /path/to/file.txt

I suggest reading the tutorial first.
Be careful! :-)


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