playing and recording at the same time

Thomas McCarthy tominjapan at
Sun Jan 7 19:19:44 EST 2007

Just rethinking this...
Your goal is to play both the student's recording and the original simultaneously. I don't see the need for a single file.

1. play sound, student records
2. on playback just play both files.

files could be organized like this:
[prompt] prmt_1.mp3
[student] std_9_1.wav

"std" = "student"
"9" = the student's id number
"1" = the prompt file

example recording script:
function recordSetup tprompt tstd
global soundmediapath --the path to where you save these files
put soundmediapath &"prmt_" & tprompt & ".mp3" into tfileA
put soundmediapath & "std_" & tstd & "_" & tprompt & ".wav" into tfileB
--now you have your files named
set the filename of player "prompt" to tfileA
start player "prompt"
--you might want a separate function for recording
get myRecodingFunc tfileB
end recordSetup

For Playback, just use the same but have two players.
just a thought from outside the box.

t mccarthy

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