Popdown menu question...

David Bovill david at openpartnership.net
Fri Jan 5 12:00:20 EST 2007

Thought I would ask as I may be missing something... is there any general
way to know what the user clciked on to activate a pulldown menu?

In a field:

on mouseDown
  popup button "Contextual Menu"
  pass mouseDown
end mouseDown

In the menu button "Contextual Menu":

on menuPick menuPath
  menu_Send menuPath
end menuPick

In a library:

on menu_Send menuPath
  -- now where was the thing the user clicked on ???
  put the target into contextualMenuButton
  put the menuButton into onlyWorksForStacks
end menu_Send

If there is no way to do this then maybe I should add it as a feature
request - ie to extend "menuButton" to include popup buttons?

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