Resizing Images in Revolution

Sivakatirswami katir at
Mon Feb 19 18:00:27 EST 2007

I have upgraded to 2.8 and am interested in the possibility of using Rev
as a Photo processing tool for taking large digital images down in size
for web deployment.

I see the new resize quality option allows for "best" bicubic interpolation,
but there is no documentation on how and
when this function is called

Also, note, the Engine change log is tructated on the last N.B. for this
new feature.

Improved Image Resizing
   There are now three levels of image resize quality:
     - normal: uses a 'nearest' filter - i.e. no interpolation
     - good: uses a 'bilinear' filter - i.e. interpolation is done
between the four nearest pixels using bilinearity
     - best: uses a 'bicubic' filter - i.e. interpolation is done using
cubic approximation from near pixels
   The filter used can be set using the 'resizeQuality' property of
images. 'normal' is the fastest scaling method, followed by 'good' and
then 'best'.

   N.B. The image quality is now a persistent property of images.

   N.B. Due to the current engine graphics architecture, the quality
[missing text here]

"resizeQuality" turns nothing in the regular documentation.

We need a "tutorial' on this... a "cookbook" recipe:

(ASIDE: do we have a cookbook section in the forums yet?)
for the kind of site I think would really be helpful to maintain
for Revolution users... to which we all could contribute... one
central place)

"How To Downsize Images in Revolution"

Your new "feature" implies all this, but a new user would
be hard put to find out where and how to do it.

It this function implemented when I grab the handles of an image
and drag it to a smaller rect? is it passed along with ImageDate
after the image is resized? etc. Where can one go to figure this out

Scenario is simple: e.g. we have a 2.5 Meg digital image on disk and I
want to downsize that to a 345 px wide jpg at quality 40
using Revolutions new "bicubic/best" option and then
compare the results to what I'm getting out of Adobe's
ImageReady. Best approach  (taking advantage of the new
resizeQuality feature) would be?


Om shanti
(In  Peace)


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