Bacground color of tabbed button

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat Feb 17 00:59:30 EST 2007

Sarah Reichelt wrote:

> The background color for the stack can be changed by the user, which
> chnges the background color of the tabbed button, but by varying
> amounts, so I can't hard-wire either a color or a color difference. I
> just need a way to find the real color of a certain area of the
> window.

It's so ugly it hurts, but:

   put the screenmouseloc into tLoc
   set the screenmouseloc to x,y -- the location you need to read
   put the mousecolor into tColor -- this is the color
   set the screenmouseloc to tLoc

It happens so fast I don't even need to lock the screen, but you might 
want to test on slower machines to make sure.

I vaguely remember someone else had another way to do it but I can't 
recall what it was. Scott Raney suggested the above when I asked about 
the same thing some years ago.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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