Updating Field Message?

Jim Ault JimAultWins at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 8 21:02:27 EST 2007

On 2/8/07 4:43 PM, "Scott Rossi" <scott at tactilemedia.com> wrote:

> Is any message sent when the content of a field is changed using "put"?
> I know about using openField, closeField, exitField, etc messages, but how
> do you tell if the contents of a field have changed when new text is "put"
> into the field?
>   put "hello world" into fld 1

There are a couple-three ways that I can think of even though I have not
done them:

local xPrevFld1  --for this script container
1  on idle --stack script/card script
if fld 1 is not xPrevFld1 then
put fld 1 into xPrevFld1
2  on setProp > >
here you would put the following at every point you make the change:

set the cpNewFld1Text of fld 1 to "A bee can do evasive flying"

--in the stack script trap this specific prop
setProp cpNewFld1Text newString
   put the cpNewText of fld 1 into fld 1
  --send the message you want, or
  --handle the event here

  --do nothing else since Rev will not actually set the prop
  --if you abstain from passing the setProp message
end setProp
3  send "updateMe newText" to fld 1
which has an updateMe handler that can pass a message after a "put"

Of these three I like   #2 best.

Now listening for other better methods :-)

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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