Packages (was: copy large files in Rev on Mac)

Chipp Walters chipp at
Fri Dec 7 05:41:34 EST 2007

Kay and Ian,

Perhaps you both, being such fans of the simplicity and elegance of
bundles, wouldn't mind starting a revLibrary which provides file
operations on files/folders/bundles and share it with us less

When I said "what a pain", I was referring to having to program around
bundles, as my previous example referred to. I've little experience
programming file handlers and functions for managing folders which are
actually bundles. I suppose it's easier for those of you
who routinely program on the Mac.

Here are some I'd like to see implemented, and might provide you a start...

get theNewFiles()

returns a list of files in a folder..even if a file is a folder.

get theNewFolders()

returns a list of folders...minus the folders which are supposed to be files

NewCopyFile pStartPath,pDestinationPath

which copies files and folders which are supposed to be
files...keeping their creator and type codes intact.

(is this the same as a revCopyFile?)

NewCopyFolder pStartFolderPath,pDestinationFolderPath

NewDeleteFile pFilepath
(doesn't delete every file on the drive if passed an empty param,
should also delete folders which are supposed to be files)

NewDeleteFolder pFolderPath,<recurse boolean>

I suppose answer file returns the pathname for a budle as a single
entity? If, so, how does one know if it's a folder or file they are
actually working on? Seems complicated w/out the handlers and
functions above.

Maybe others can think of more?


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