Can't delete virus file with Revolution

Wilhelm Sanke sanke at
Tue Aug 28 12:03:06 EDT 2007

The virus scanner "Spyware Sweeper" found a "NMap Win 1.2.12" virus on 
one of my computers at


but fails to quarantine or delete it, i.e. it performs the operations of 
quarantining and deleting on that file, but next time when you do a 
virus sweep the file is there again. This could be probably a deficiency 
of "Spyware Sweeper", because I got other problems with that program, too.

Another virus scanner, "Spy Sweeper" by Webroot, however does not flag 
this file as a virus.

"C:\WINDOWS\Installer" is a "hidden folder" that is not displayed when I 
try to access it with Windows, but I can access it using Revolution and 
also list the subfolders - among them 
"{CC550492-0747-48E4-A37C-5A2A0C815489}", which contains the 
"NewShortcut1.exe" file.

There are more "NewShortcut" files in the subdirectory with different 
numbers including a RTF file, which however produces garbage when I try 
to put it into a field using

"put URL  
into fld 1"
"set the rtftext of fld 1 to URL  

Replacing "file" with "binfile" does not help either, there is only 
garbage in the field.

Now, trying to delete the virus file using
"delete URL  

produces an error message "can' delete that file" - probably because the 
file's cantdelete property or the equivalent for Windows is apparently 
set to true.

How could I change this cantdelete property of the virus in Revolution 
to be able to finally delete it?
Any help is appreciated.

Best regards,

Wilhelm Sanke

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