lock/unlock in closeCard short-circuits a visual effect

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at economy-x-talk.com
Thu Apr 26 16:02:38 EDT 2007

Hi Peter,

You issue the visual effect command before locking the screen.  
Revolution goes to the previous card and executes the visual effect  
while the screen is locked, so you won't see anything. In this  
situation, your second mouseUp handler is the correct script.




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Op 26-apr-2007, om 21:55 heeft Peter T. Evensen het volgende geschreven:

> Sorry for the bad subject line, I regretted after I hit send.
> I tried "visual effect dissolve slow." The effect didn't work: it  
> takes longer for the previous card to appear (like it is doing the  
> dissolve) but the card appears right away.
> I have a sample stack that demonstrates the problem and does no  
> other locks.  Here's the "go to previous" button script:
> on mouseUp
>  visual effect dissolve fast
>  go to previous
> end mouseUp
> Here's the closeCard handler on that card:
> on closeCard
>  lock screen
>  -- do nothing else
>  unlock screen
> end closeCard
> It seems the lock and unlock screen here "short-circuit" the visual  
> effect.
> If I replace the mouseUp above with
> on mouseUp
>  lock screen
>  go to previous
>  unlock screen with visual effect dissolve fast
> end mouseUp
> Everything works in my test stack.
> Should the two work differently?


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