line endings on OS X

Mark Smith mark at
Tue Apr 24 04:58:52 EDT 2007

Bernard, in Rev itself, numToChar(10) is used for line endings  
(showing its Unix origins), but if written to a file on a Mac, using  
URL "file:", they're translated to numToChar(13). If using URL  
"binfile:", no translation happens, so numToChar(10) is preserved.

I think what you're seeing is a difference between OS X and it's Unix  
underpinnings - vi is a Unix utility, so expects NumToChar(10), but  
the mac OS uses numToChar(13).

I guess the solution is to use the "binfile:' scheme. I have  
certainly found this to be necessary when writing cgi scripts in Rev.



On 24 Apr 2007, at 09:35, Bernard Devlin wrote:

> I have a problem writing to text files on OS X, and would like to  
> determine if it is a defect in Revolution.
> If I save a multi-line text file using vi (created pressing the  
> return key), or if I do the following:
> echo "line 1" > mytextfile.txt
> echo "line 2" >> mytextfile.txt
> then I can get a 'clean' text file (if I type 'more  
> mytextfile.txt', there are no strange '^M' characters where there  
> should be line endings).
> However, no matter what I put as a line ending using Rev (2.7 or  
> 2.8), I get the strange '^M' characters if I look at the file using  
> either vi or the 'more' command).  I tried using the 'file:' URL  
> schema, and 'write to file'.
> I've tried all the following as line-endings in Rev on OS X, but  
> NONE gives a clean text file:
> return
> numToChar(10)
> numToChar(13)
> The fact that they all display as '^M' when the text file is viewed  
> using OS X command line utilities makes me think there is some  
> weird character translation going on between Rev and the file system.
> I did the same experiment using Rev 2.8 on Windows.  When I viewed  
> the file from a command window, then there were no extraneous '^M'  
> characters in Windows.  Furthermore, when I ftp-ed the files to OS  
> X, there were no strange ^M characters.  (I know that an Ascii FTP  
> transfer between operating sytems will translate end of line  
> characters).
> If I look at a 'clean' text file on OS X (made e.g. with vi) Rev  
> tells me (using charToNum) that the line-ending character is ASCII  
> 10.  Yet the documentation for Rev says "Different operating  
> systems use different characters to mark the end of a line. Mac OS  
> and OS X use a return character (ASCII 13), Unix systems use a  
> linefeed character (ASCII 10)..."
> After spending a couple of hours trying to work out what was going  
> on, I finally decided to use binfile as the URL file type.  Now,  
> 'return', 'CRLF', numToChar(10) all produce a 'clean' file.   
> NumToChar(13) as a line-ending in a binfile still produces '^M' in  
> the final file.
> Is this a bug?  It certainly seems inconsistent to me.
> Bernard
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