Rev as Web Server CGI programming language?

Mark Smith mark at
Wed Apr 18 13:41:45 EDT 2007

Kee, I'm pretty sure that what happens is that each connection spawns  
an instance not just of the initial text script, but of the rev CGI  
engine, and therefore also whatever stacks (each instance of) it  
loads into memory.

The propblem, as you have suggested, is what happens when 100  
separate processes all try to save the stack to the same stackfile at  
the same time.

I don't know, but maybe an environment variable could be set when  
saving, and cleared when finished, so each process could check on  
whether it's safe to save by looking at the envirionment varaiable,  
and waiting til it's clear before saving.

Or maybe, depending on the needs of the application, data could be  
saved in separate  text files for each process.



On 18 Apr 2007, at 13:47, kee nethery wrote:

> If the processing happens in stack scripts, how is contention  
> handled when 100 script instances want to utilize the same stack?  
> Do the scripts single thread one at a time to the stack? How is  
> data stored in the stack by one connection handled by all the other  
> connections?

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