Restrict display ...

Wilhelm Sanke sanke at
Tue Apr 17 12:31:16 EDT 2007

On Tue Apr 17, 2007, Jean-Pierre jean-pierre.soto at wrote:

> Is there a way to restrict the display of a moving object in the screen?
> I use white rectangle to mask some aera but it is not easy to handle...
>                                 thank ...

 Here is another rather short script example that lets you drag around a 
rectangle within the bounds of an image.

"local Bstop,Tstop,LStop,RStop,cY,cX,movedobject

on mouseDown
  put (the mouseH - item 1 of the loc of me) into cX
  put (the mouseV - item 2 of the loc of me) into cY
  put (the left of image 2)+(the width of me/2)+cX +1 into Lstop
  put (the right of image 2)-(the width of me/2)+cX -2 into Rstop
  put (the bottom of image 2)-(the height of me/2)+cY -2 into Bstop
  put (the top of image 2)+(the height of me/2)+cY  into Tstop
  put true into movedobject
end mouseDown

on mouseMove x,y
  if the mouseloc is within the rect of image 2 then
    if not movedobject then exit mouseMove
    put min(Bstop,max(Tstop,y)) into yLoc
    put min(Rstop,max(Lstop,x)) into xLoc
    set loc of me to xLoc-cx,yLoc-cY
  end if
end mouseMove

on mouseUp
  put false into movedobject
end mouseUp

on mouseRelease
end mouseRelease"

This is a slight modification of a script someone has made public on 
this list a while ago, sorry, I forget who it was.

I use this script in the dragged rectangle to selects portions of the 
image to be mirrored, duplicated, or simply selected/cut out in my stacks

<> and


Wilhelm Sanke

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