AltBrowser newbie question...

Jim Carwardine JimCarwardine at
Thu Apr 12 20:42:59 EDT 2007

I've just installed AltBrowser and am starting to play with it.  I can't
seem to get the AltBrowser window to display a url.  I have installed the
plug-in and also the stack in my application.  I used the Launch Browser
button in the demo stack to create the launch button in my stack but when I
click on that button, it launches a window but doesn't connect with the url.

When I look at the docs through the demo, it launches the window *and*
connects with the rev url no problem.  Aside from the cosmetics, the button
that launches the docs url does not contain the same scripting as the button
created by the Launch Browser button.  I know this is simple but I don't see
where to go.  There is no troubleshooting section in the docs.

Can somebody set me straight?  Jim

Own Your Future Consulting,
23 Shoal Cove Road, Seabright, Nova Scotia, Canada.  B3Z 3A9
Phone: 902-823-2339. Fax: 902-823-2139

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