Who's Kevin?

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Sun Sep 24 09:35:29 EDT 2006

Hi Barry,

> Thanks Klausss (sorry Klaus, I just couldn't resist it!)

no problem Alva... ehm Barry ;-)

> for the input.
> I was surprised to see it was the CEO! I was almost sure it would  
> be a kid who had been fired and threw a spanner in the works before  
> leaving the office.


> Anyway I saw Mr. Miller had a post on another Theme, just after  
> ours on the same date, maybe he's still trying to work out what  
> happened himself.
> Havn't been able to repeat the incident and as Runtime are  
> gracefully giving me the new update free (Just in time - I bought  
> my  Media 2.7.2. in August about three days before 2.7.3 was  
> released),I can probably forget about it.

That's good to hear.

> Oh! I should have said it was the 'CANC' KEY not a button.
> Bye everybody
> Barry

Regards from germany

Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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