How do I get rid of this? (different result with code in button or image)

William de Smet wdesmet at
Mon Sep 18 15:00:04 EDT 2006

Hi there,

When I put the following code into a button I get the number 28 (=the
cursor) after the image:
on mouseenter
  set cursor to 28
  lock cursor
end mouseenter

 on mouseleave
   unlock cursor
  set cursor to arrow
end mouseleave

on mouseUp
  put  "<img src=" & quote & 1067 & quote & ">" into tData
  set the htmlText of fld "Tekst" to the htmlText of fld "Tekst" &
"&nbps; " & tData & " "
 put the cursor after the last line of fld "Tekst"
end mouseUp

But when I put the same code into an image it works the way I want (it
doesn't show 28)
I think it's due to the button but how do I get rid of this?
I prefer the code into a button.


William de Smet

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