Field modified function?

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Mon Sep 18 13:42:20 EDT 2006

Mark Wieder wrote:
> Josh-
> Sunday, September 17, 2006, 6:33:19 PM, you wrote:
>> selectionChanged triggers even if the contents have NOT changed... so
>> you either update every time the field gets focus (sloppy) or have to
>> write a complex workaround to save the field contents, then check  
>> them later against the stored version.
> There's no way around that. You either have to know that the field
> contents have changed or you don't. Are you saying that you have a way
> to tell whether the field contents have been changed when you receive
> a closeField message?

Yes, because "closefield" is only sent if the contents have changed. If 
the field is exited without the content changing, then "exitField" is 
sent instead. That means you can be positive that if you get a 
closefield message, the content has been altered.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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