writing to binary data at arbitrary position

Robert Sneidar bobs at twft.com
Fri Sep 15 16:49:34 EDT 2006

To put something INTO those bytes i.e. overwrite the bytes that are  

put myData into char 466 to 468 of myVar

To INSERT the data between byte 465 and 466:

put myData after char 465 of myVar

Bob Sneidar
IT Manager
Logos Management
Calvary Chapel CM

> What is the fastest way (in Rev), for instance, to insert 3 bytes  
> of binary
> data after the 465th byte of data stored in variable myVar using  
> put, seek
> or whatever else is available? Or is the repeat loop the only way  
> to do
> this?..
> All the best
> Viktoras

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