drag stack window

Viktoras Didziulis viktoras at ekoinf.net
Mon Sep 4 06:58:45 EDT 2006

Thanks Klaus ! 
It works. I assigned the script directly to an image that sets the shape of
the window. No button was necessary. Thanks again. 
-------Original Message------- 
From: Klaus Major 
Date: 09/04/06 13:15:28 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: Re: drag stack window 
Hi Viktoras, 
> Dear all, 
> If window shape is set to graphics (with no title bar and controls 
> shown) 
> how do we make the window dragable, so it can be dragged around the 
> desktop? 
I ususally create a simple button with the size of the card/stack 
with the following script 
and set its INK to "noop" :-) 
local maydrag 
on mouseDown 
put mouseH() & "," & mouseV() into maydrag 
end mouseDown 
on mouseMove 
if maydrag is not empty then 
set the topLeft of this stack to item 1 of the screenMouseLoc - 
item 1 of maydrag,item 2 of the screenMouseLoc - item 2 of maydrag 
end if 
end mouseMove 
on mouseUp 
put empty into maydrag 
end mouseUp 
on mouserelease 
end mouserelease 
> Viktoras 
Klaus Major 
klaus at major-k.de 
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